AOC Community media



This information is designed to answer questions regarding policy for accessing cable space and for accessing and operating facilities and equipment for production of television programming.


This manual gives community members the information they need to ensure a successful public media experience for themselves and our community. AOC intends to keep the manual as simple as possible and consistent at all times. As technology and services expand, this document may be amended. Members are expected to review this document upon joining or renewing with AOC.


AOC Community Media makes facilities and equipment available to its membership for the sole purpose of creating media programs for non-commercial, community presentation. AOC provides tools, training and distribution to a wide range of individuals and groups representing diverse interests. Since AOC has limited resources, we have policies to ensure equitable distribution of facility resources. AOC is happy to clarify policy but cannot change policy for individual cases or situation.


AOC Community Media Hours

(Subject to change without amending this document):

Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Friday: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Saturday: 1-5 p.m. with appointment


How to contact AOC:

Email inquiries:

Main phone number: (337) 232-4434


Front Lobby: 109

Production: 220 and 225

Programming: 222

Marketing: 216

Education: 215

Administrative Assistant: 204

Fax number: (337) 534-8114


Physical address: 101 Jefferson Street, Suite 100, Lafayette, LA 70501

Mailing address: P.O. Box 5158, Lafayette, LA 70502  



User: Each individual who is either a community producer or member.

Member (in Good Standing): Members are individuals who have obtained membership privileges either by purchasing an annual membership or by receiving a paid scholarship and do not have any outstanding debt or suspensions.

Active Member: Members who have produced and cablecast at least 30 minutes of programming OR a minimum of five shorter pieces are eligible to vote in all matters that are put to a vote of members. Programs will be counted for the 12-month of continuous membership prior to the date of the vote. This includes but is not limited to Board of Director elections, by-law changes and other issues deemed better left to the membership's decision.

Producer: The person who signs the agreement, regardless of the agreement type.

Associate Producer: The person with written arrangement to act on behalf of the Producer. Associate Producer are limited to approved productions with prior agreement. There can be only one Associate Producer per Project.

Community Member: Everyone in Lafayette Parish.

Crew Member: Person assigned by the producer to accept a role in a production. Crew members are not self-assigned. Producer must acknowledge their crew members on production projects.

Series: A regularly scheduled program with a constant length, format, and frequency.

Series Agreement: The document that memorializes the Series arrangement for the series period

Non-Commercial: This means there can be no profit to be made by the production or content of the program or of the facilities use. Producers cannot make money from their association with AOC or by use of AOC facilities.

Commercial Content: Content that violates the above, contains a call to action, direct comparison, qualitative statement, offers, and others.



Policy Manual Summary

AOC is strictly non-commercial. Members are not allowed to make money, receive compensation or produce commercial work. Members should not submit programs with commercial advertising or any solicitation of funds (commercial or non-commercial).

Using AOC facilities means user is agreeing to provide program content for distribution by AOC. In return for use of AOC equipment, Members are expected to present a program for distribution over medium or media under AOC control: television, internet, DVD or others.

Responsibility rests with the producer. AOC’s contact is with the producer. This means crew members, friends and relatives do not make adjustments to the producer’s agreements. Most communication is handled through email. This helps reduce the cost of communicating with members, saves time and creates a record of correspondences.

Only AOC members in good standing are permitted to reserve AOC resources. A member’s file must be up to date and correct for anyone reserving facilities or checking out equipment.

First come, first serve is an overriding consideration for resource allocation.

Paperwork must not only be completed, it must be correct and time stamped. Web-based requests are automatically time stamped.

If members are going to be late for any reservations, they are to contact AOC at 337-232-4434 or If members are more than 15 minutes late without calling, the reservation will be void. Making and sticking to timelines is the basis of nearly every media production regardless of method or medium.

Members are fully responsible for the equipment while it is in their care. Members are not to allow anyone else to operate the equipment. The user member accept financial liability for the replacement cost of any equipment lost or damaged while in their possession. This does not include normal wear and tear.


AOC General Policies

  1. Cable space is allocated on a first come, first serve basis. AOC has in place several schedule structures that allow for fair distribution of time and opportunity. AOC also has certain gatekeeper functions that ensure compliance with policy.

    1. AOC measures productivity and uses of facilities, cable space and other resources in order to qualify and quantify usage. This information is important to grantors and sponsors, and it helps us allocate more resources accurately and fairly. AOC records all use upon arrival and departure.

    2. Use of AOC facilities is dependent upon the Member’s agreement that a program suitable for cablecast is being made as a result of the facilities use or that proper approvals for other uses have been secured prior to use.

    3. Members may not represent themselves as an employee or representative of AOC or any of its departments.

    4. User compensation

      1. Independent Members are prohibited from receiving financial compensation in conjunction with their use of AOC’s facilities or cablecasting services.

      2. Members who are full-time or part-time employees of a non-profit corporation may receive financial compensation from their non-profit corporate employer.

    5. All reservations, adjustments, request, approval, etc will be confirmed by email.

    6. AOC will email changes to Members’ schedules, program problems, and information of importance whenever possible.

    7. AOC assumes no responsibility for media left in its possession. Members are encouraged to remove their physical program master from AOC no later than 30 days after the final scheduled cablecast of the program.

    8. All programs must be submitted by an individual with a Lafayette Parish physical address, or proof of enrollment in a school, college or university located in Lafayette Parish or proof of employment in Lafayette Parish. AOC will scan appropriate supporting documents such as Driver’s License, pay stub with local address of company, utility bill, school ID.

    9. Producers shall have a current signed Producer Agreement on file with AOC.

    10. Programs submitted for cablecast on AOC shall comply with any and all applicable policies in effect at the time of submittal.

    11. AOC retains the right to reject any program judged to be in violation of AOC programming policy, the AOC Producer Agreement, the AOC cablecast requirements, or any other policy of AOC, local ordinance, state or federal law.

    12. Programs produced using AOC facilities must premiere on AOC and be not for profit and non commercial in nature.

    13. Programs which invite viewer mail or telephone calls must have such actions approved in writing in advance by the Programming Coordinator or Executive Director.

    14. Access facilities are provided on a first come, first serve basis. Limits are in place to allocate limited resources evenly.

    15. Displaying lewd or pornographic images or using foul language in the presence of staff, volunteers or members is not tolerated. Respectful treatment of everyone is required at all times.

    16. Firearms are not permitted on AOC premises except for law enforcement or military personnel.


  1. Membership Policy


  1. Membership is not required for cablecast privileges.

    1. Use of facilities require membership and in most cases residency.

    2. Anyone wishing to support public television in Acadiana may become a member.

    3. Benefits of Membership include: Access to equipment is available only to resident members. Voting is available only to Producing/Active Members.

    4. Voting: Members who have produced and cablecast at least 30 minutes of programming OR a minimum of 5 shorter pieces are eligible to vote in all matters that are put to a vote of members. Programs will be counted for the 12 month of continuous membership prior to the date of the vote. This includes but is not limited to Board of Director elections, by-law changes and other issues deemed better left to the membership's decision.

    5. Membership is annual (12 months from date of payment).

    6. Membership is non-transferable or shareable.

    7. Groups are made up of any four or more people who register and pay in full, together, at the same time. This group carries no further cost or benefits.

    8. Scholarships are available on a limited basis. Please submit proof of income with your request for assistance. Scholarship eligibility is determined by government assistance programs standards.

    9. Membership may be revoked by the AOC Board of Directors. In cases of revocation of membership no refund will be made if the membership has been active for more than 30 days.

    10. Membership card must be presented for access to facilities or equipment. This includes all members acting as crew members in studios, studio control, editing suites or meeting rooms.


  1. Programming Policy

    1. Access to Cable Space

      1. AOC will cablecast programming presented by:

        1. Lafayette Parish Resident, student or person employed in Lafayette Parish

        2. Over the Age of 17

        3. Signed Producer Agreement on File

        4. Completed Cablecast Contract accompanying program

      2. Cable Space is allocated according to a number of factors such first come, first served depending on available space and number of requests, length of media presented, length of time before desired cablecast and other quantifiable factors.

      3. All programming must meet technical standards for AOC cablecast, including media format and playback standards. See AOC’s website for current information. Media submitted to AOC for cablecast must be clearly labeled with program title and producer’s name(s).

      4. Programming is not allowed to include lottery information of any type.


  1. Media Submittal

    1. All  media must be submitted a minimum of 16 business hours before the scheduled cablecast.

    2. AOC assumes no responsibility for any media submitted.

    3. Members are encouraged to remove their physical media from AOC after the final scheduled cablecast of the program.

    4. Media unclaimed over 30 days after the last scheduled cablecast become the property of AOC.

    5. AOC staff will not discuss program status, except existing schedule, with anyone except the Producer of Record.


  1. Programming Scheduling

    1. AOC shall be responsible for the scheduling of programs cablecast on AOC. AOC shall, at all times, endeavor to schedule programs on a fair and equitable basis.

    2. When no specific scheduling request is made by a producer, AOC shall schedule programs at its sole discretion.

    3. AOC reserves the right to multiple or additional cablecasts of a program unless otherwise specifically prohibited in writing by the program’s producer.

    4. AOC is not required to provide and does not guarantee replays of any programs. All times of replays are subject to change without notice.

    5. All program schedules are subject to change without notice.

    6. Scheduling disputes must be submitted in writing to the AOC Executive Director. Any appeal of the Executive Director’s decision must be made in writing to the AOC Program Advisory Committee.

    7. Limits on cablecast time shall be based on time, place and manner necessary for AOC to accomplish its purpose.

    8. Producers are encouraged to give permission for additional uses and distribution.


  1. Series Programs

    1. Series agreements are privileges extended to producers who have demonstrated the ability and desire to maintain a consistent program submission rate, program length and time slot. AOC does not consider a series agreement to be a right. It is a privilege earned.

    2. All series programs are subject to the specific series agreements terms for the series period in question. Series agreements include a program's premiere date and time, frequency, length, and delivery method. Producers are expected to conform to the agreement they make.

    3. A series will not be extended to any producer who does not provide adequate crew members to accomplish their project goals.y user desiring a series time period must have produced a minimum of three programs of a substantially similar nature to the proposed series program. Those submitted programs should have premiered on AOC before submitting a series request.

    4. Any producer that forfeits or otherwise loses a series time slot shall not be eligible for a series time slot until another complete series period has passed.

    5. Failure to satisfy AOC production standards shall result in cancellation of the series.

    6. Failure of the producer to timely produce programming according to the following schedule may result in cancellation of the Series Agreement.

      1. Weekly episode agreements may miss three premiere episodes

      2. Bi-monthly episode agreements may miss two premiere episodes.

      3. Monthly episode agreements require five premiere programs. One allowable miss.   

  1. Violation of the Series Agreement, the Producer Agreement, or any other policy of AOC shall be grounds for series cancellation.

  2. AOC reserves the right reassign series timeslots at its sole discretion.


  1. Live Programming

  1. The producer of record for a live program  must be available a minimum of 15 minutes prior to scheduled program start. All paperwork must be completed and turned in at this time. This time is absolute and cannot be waived. The producers of live programming must adhere to all standards and policies established for either single or series programs respectively.

    1. Live programs are required to provide a minimum of 30 percent of content in a live (non-recorded) manner. Producer cannot reserve live time to play a recording.

    2. AOC reserves the right to terminate any live cablecast because of technical difficulties, violations of the Producer Agreement, AOC Live Programming Guidelines, any policy or procedure of AOC, or for emergency or safety reasons. The decision of the AOC Programming Coordinator to interrupt or terminate a live program shall be absolute, final and non-appealable.

    3. Live programming produced by a minor is prohibited. Adults can sign for Producer status on content created by children.

    4. Live programming may be scheduled at any time during AOC’s normal operating hours. Live programs with live music shall be scheduled only after 5 p.m.

    5. The producer of record is responsible for returning a clean and orderly studio and studio booth.


  1. Associate Producers for Live Programming

  1. A producer of record for a series may allow one producer to act on their behalf as an Associate producer for purposes to cablecasting a live program. An associate producer must have the same certification as a producer of record.

    1. An associate producer must be named in writing at the beginning of the series period and the producer of record is responsible for the actions of the associate producer.

    2. Using an associate producer does not count as a missed program; however, an associate producer may substitute for a producer of record according to the same schedule as the missed episode allowance. Using an associate producer more than the allocated number of times will result if forfeiture of the series timeslot.


  1. Cablecast Definitions

  1. Cablecast Day: a twenty-four (24) hour period, which begins at 4 a.m., Central Time, each day.

    1. Cablecast Week: seven (7) consecutive day period, consisting of seven (7) cablecast days.

    2. Prime Time: Those hours of cablecast time each evening, which begins at 6 p.m., Central Time, and ends at 11 p.m., Central Time, every night of the cablecast week (Monday through Sunday).


  1. Underwriting

  1. Producers who wish to raise money for program specific expenses may do so with some restrictions. All money must be for program specific expenses. Producers are not allowed to use underwriting funds for expenses that would otherwise occur in their lives.

    1. All underwriting must be acknowledged in the credits of a program. No additional program underwriting acknowledgments are acceptable. AOC does not acknowledge program underwriting unless the funds are donated to AOC with designations that they be used to support specific programs. When a specific program is a designee of underwriting, the producer of that program may have program specific expenses reimbursed with proper documentation.

    2. Underwriting Credit Information

      1. Credit Introduction: "Funding for this production of ___ has been provided by ____.”

      2. Credit Length: All television underwriting credits cannot be longer than 15 seconds or 15 words in length for an exclusive underwriter and 10 seconds for a shared underwriting credit.

      3. Credit Content: Underwriting credits must name the donor in mission statement terminology that is neither commercial nor promotional in language. The business or service may be described in value-neutral terms that avoid comparative or qualitative claims. Underwriting credits are to recognize Underwriters only, and no other outside organization or nonprofit.

    3. Video Guidelines

      1. The use of corporate logos, still or animated is appropriate.

      2. Up to three products may be shown on screen. Products cannot be shown in use or in motion and must be shown in a setting that is plausible, appropriate and value-neutral.

      3. Showing the outside of a business is acceptable if the building is the only representation of an underwriter’s product. No more than three locations can be listed in a credit.

  1. The following are strictly prohibited:

  1. Any solicitation of direct consumer response of any kind, or any call-to-action, whether direct or implied.

    1. Superlative description or qualitative claims about the company, its products or services. Any comparison with other companies, or with other companies product or service, whether direct or implied.

    2. Price or value information of any kind.

    3. Any inducements to buy, sell, rent, or lease.

    4. Use of official spokespersons, endorsements, or professional talent that is featured in commercial promotion or the business or product.

    5. Use of personal pronouns in an underwriting credit.


  1. Adult Material

  1. Producers who submit programs containing material considered not suitable for viewing by children are required to indicate so on the AOC Cablecast Contract submitted with the program.

    1. AOC reserves the right to air such programming at its sole discretion.


  1. Political Programming

  1. Producers scheduling any program which includes a qualified candidate for political office are hereby notified that no political programming will be cablecast on any AOC media within the final seven days of election day. Exception is made for forum or debates in which all candidates are given a fair opportunity to appear.

    1. Violation of this political policy will result in a minimum of 30-day suspension for the producer of record and the program found in violation of this policy.

    2. Advocacy programming shall not be cablecast on AOC from 12:01 a.m. on the seventh day prior to election day through 11:59 p.m. on election day.

    3. Forums and debates may be cablecast at any time at the discretion of the programming coordinator and within the scheduling constraints of AOC.


  1. Programming Appeals

  1. The AOC staff shall notify any producer (by email only) whose program has been rejected for cablecast for other than technical reason. Producers who do not have an email account may receive one at no charge by asking any AOC production assistant.

    1. Producers may appeal such determinations by submitting a written statement to the Executive Director within five working days of notice of such determinations.

    2. The Executive Director shall report his/her ruling to the user in writing within five working days of receipt of the appeal.

    3. If the producer is dissatisfied with the ruling of the Executive Director, then a written appeal may be made to the program advisory committee within five working days of the Executive Director’s notice to the producer, whereupon the matter shall be reviewed by the committee and the committee shall recommend appropriate disciplinary action for infractions by producers in concordance with these policies within 15 working days of receipt of the appeal.

    4. The program advisory committee will make this recommendation to the board of directors for review and vote on the disciplinary procedure to be imposed during the next regularly scheduled board meeting. The decision of a majority of the board shall be final.


  1. Facilities and Equipment Access Policy

  1. Membership Requirement

  1. Equipment and facilities reservations are available to AOC members only.

    1. Equipment and facilities use is limited to the same residency and age guidelines as for cablecasting.

    2. AOC strives to maintain a high level of equipment use and availability in Lafayette Parish. AOC’s procedures are designed to increase out-time while making access to equipment easy and efficient for everyone involved.

    3. All facilities Members are required to present a current membership card.

    4. Membership cards must be presented upon equipment pick-up. The ID card will be held by AOC personnel until proper return of equipment is complete.

    5. Membership cards are the producer’s responsibility.

    6. Replacement of lost ID cards cost $10 and must be handled during business hours.

    7. It is a major violation to use another producer’s card.

    8. Cards will not be returned if equipment or facilities are not properly returned to AOC.


  1. Equipment and Facilities Use

  1. Lafayette Parish members may use AOC equipment on a first come, first serve basis under the following guidelines:

    1. Members who wish to make reservations must have a valid membership that extends through the equipment use period.

    2. An approved and current Producer Agreement and Equipment Liability Agreement is on file with AOC.  

    3. The user is a resident of, or employed in, or a student in Lafayette Parish.

    4. The user is making a non-commercial, non-revenue-producing program for cablecast on AOC or other approved project.

    5. The user has received authorization from the production staff to utilize the requested equipment.

    6. The equipment is not taken outside the five-parish region defined as Acadiana (Lafayette, St. Martin, Vermilion, Iberia, Acadia) without written permission from the Executive Director.

    7. Under no circumstances may members reconfigure any production equipment or redress cables.

    8. The user has secured an adequate crew for his/her production. Adequate shall be defined as: Certified volunteers in sufficient numbers to ensure proper production of the entire program including but not limited to camera operations, audio and phone operations, studio direction and equipment maintenance, public safety and security.

    9. The user is in good standing with AOC.

    10. The person holding the reservation must be physically present with all AOC equipment during its use.

    11. Portable equipment is limited to one kit per member per reservation.

    12. When equipment is returned past due without confirmed contact, we charge late fees for the time after the reservation end time and until confirmed contact is received. Charges are calculated beginning 15 minutes after the time due.

    13. Confirmed contact means that the producer can verify that he/she made contact with a human or acceptable substitute. We accept: emails that we can acknowledge receiving, voice mails that we received before due date/time, faxes or written documentation.

    14. When equipment is returned past due with confirmed contact, we do not charge fees.

    15. When using equipment and facilities, AOC expects that Members to treat equipment and facilities with care and respect. Members are not to leave gear in vehicle and always protect it from extreme temperatures. Never leave any AOC equipment unattended.

    16. Minimum Charges for any repair or replacement of any accessory is $25.

    17. Minimum Charges for any repair or replacement of a video camera is $50.


  1. Portable Equipment Reservations

  1. Members must submit request for portable equipment a minimum of 16 business hours prior to pickup.

    1. The equipment requested should be appropriate for the project listed.

    2. Portable equipment is allocated on the basis of availability. Length of reservations is subject to demand. Generally portable equipment cannot be reserved for more than seven consecutive days.

    3. Members are strongly encouraged to confirm their equipment reservation prior to pickup. AOC tries to notify members of the status of their request via email. If a member does not receive email confirming their request, they should not assume that the reservation is confirmed.

    4. Equipment reservations should be canceled a minimum of 16 business hours in advance of reservation time in the event the producer will not be picking up the reserved equipment.


  1. Equipment Check-out

  1. Members cannot check out more equipment than they can reasonably and properly use. This means members who need multiple cameras should have sufficient crew members listed to support their request.

    1. Members with valid reservations may check out equipment.

    2. Members are expected to honor their scheduled check-in/check-out times. If a user is going to be more that 15 minutes early or late for a scheduled equipment transaction, he/she must gain approval. AOC reserves the right to refuse service when appointments are missed.

    3. AOC will not check out equipment to anyone other than the approved producer whose name is on the request form. This means crew members must make their own reservations assigned to a project.

    4. All equipment check-outs must be supervised by appropriate AOC personnel. Members will be required to sign for equipment received before leaving with any AOC equipment.

    5. The user is responsible for determining that the equipment is in proper working condition at the time of checkout. Any malfunctions or apparent damage must be reported by the user and noted on the checkout form.

      1. User agrees:

        1. He/she has inspected all equipment and listed any defects.

        2. He/she has read and understand all AOC policies and procedures.

        3. He/she understands the importance of timeliness and appointments.

        4. He/she understands that there is absolutely no commercial use of equipment.

        5. He/she verifies that all equipment will be under my sole control at all times.

        6. He/she has verified that this equipment is being used to produce programming for free distribution on AOC Community Media or one of its partners.

        7. An individual producer cannot check out more equipment than they can handle alone. They must list members who will be able to assist. This does not relieve the member of individual responsibility for any equipment checked out to them. Members listed as assistant producers are also responsible for actions they take on behalf of the Producer of Record.


  1. Equipment Check-in

  1. Members are required to return the equipment according to their agreement.

    1. Members who are unable to return equipment at the scheduled time are required to report their late status prior to the scheduled check-in time.

    2. Failure to keep a scheduled return appointment or to gain approval in advance is considered a serious violation of policy.

    3. If AOC accepts equipment from anyone other than the Producer listed on the request form, it will be considered a serious violation of policy mediated slightly by the return of equipment in a timely fashion. Equipment returned late and by a non-producer will be considered a major violation.

    4. All equipment check-ins must be supervised by AOC personnel.

    5. Any lost, damaged or malfunctioning equipment must be reported immediately upon check-in of the equipment. Such reports should be made using an Equipment Deficiency Report.


  1. Facility Use Policy

  1. Lafayette Parish members may use AOC equipment on a first come, first serve basis under the following guidelines:  

    1. An approved and current Producer Agreement and Equipment Liability Agreement is on file with AOC.

    2. The user is a resident of, or employed in, or a student in Lafayette Parish.

    3. The user is making a non-commercial, non-revenue-producing program for cablecast on AOC or other approved project.

    4. The user has received authorization from the production staff to utilize the requested facility.


  1. Facilities Reservations

  1. Members must submit request for live studio time a minimum of 16 business hours prior to pickup. Live studio reservations should be canceled a minimum of 16 business hours in advance of reservation time in the event the producer will not be using the facilities for live programming.

    1. The facility requested should be appropriate for the project listed.

    2. Facilities are allocated on the basis of availability. Length of reservations is subject to demand. Generally facilities cannot be reserved for more than four hours.

    3. Members are strongly encouraged to confirm their reservation prior to the day of request. AOC tries to notify members of the status of their request via email. If a member does not receive email confirming their request, they should not assume that the reservation is confirmed.


  1. Studio Reservations and Use

  1. AOC may limit the reservations of studio production time available in a week.

    1. Facilities Request Forms submitted for the production of a live program must be approved by the Programming Coordinator.

    2. There is no amplified music allowed during business hours normally 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    3. AOC does not allow open flames, candles, cooking, soldering or other chemical activities.

    4. Members may continue using AOC and studio facilities beyond their scheduled reservation when such facilities are available.

    5. AOC may limit the reservations of the studios to no more than six weeks weeks prior to the day of use. Exception: Production time for series productions may be reserved for an entire programming period.

    6. Live programming produced by a minor is prohibited.

    7. The studio must be returned clean and neat with everything properly stored.


  1. Editing Lab, Audio Booth, Multi-Purpose Room and TV Studio Guidelines

    1. Computer availability for AOC members is during regular AOC hours.

    2. Non-members are not allowed in the Post lab or Audio Booth.

    3. Non-members are only allowed in the Multi-Purpose Room, TV Studio and Radio Booth as guests on a producer’s show.

    4. When using sound, headphones must be worn in the editing lab. AOC does not provide headphones.

    5. Cell phones cannot be used in the Edit Lab, Radio Booth, TV Studio or Multi-Purpose Room unless patched into the show audio.

    6. No food or drinks are allowed in any room downstairs.

    7. Do not rewire anything. Ask for assistance.

    8. Members leaving their workstations unattended may result in the loss and/or corruption of the members’ data.

    9. All computers are emptied nightly. Store your data properly.


  1. Equipment (portable or in-house) Repair Policy

    1. It is up to AOC staff to determine to either replace or repair an item.

    2. All items that are to be replaced will be billed at the replacement cost for the item AOC selects. AOC does not accept replacement items from the user. AOC will consider suppliers provided by the user.

    3. All repairs are made by AOC-selected service facilities. AOC does not allow producers to handle their own repairs.

    4. When replacement is necessary, AOC shall select an item of equal or lesser value should an exact replacement not be necessary. It is the discretion of AOC to replace broken or lost items.


  1. Late Fee Policy

  1. Returned on date due but more than 15 minutes late: $5.00 per reservation.

    1. Returned after close of business on due date: $5 for due date and $10 per day or portion of a day after due date.

    2. For example: A member returns an item on the morning after it was due. Late fee is $5 for due date and $10 for portion of next day, so the total late fee would be $15.

    3. Late fees are due automatically and result in the cancellation all future reservations, and no further reservations may be made until acceptable payment has been arranged.


  1. When a member owes AOC money:

  1. AOC will work with members to develop suitable payment schedules.

    1. If a member is current with the debt, there is no further action.

    2. When a member is either late or does not have a payment schedule, all existing reservations are voided and no further reservations are permitted until such time as payment or arrangements have been made.

    3. Upon payment, all member benefits are again available, and reservations can be made.

    4. Members with past due balances cannot access equipment in any capacity.


  1. Policy Violations

    1. The following is a non-exhaustive list of policy violations that may result in limits to access or revocation of privileges:

      1. Abuse, vandalism, or failure to maintain access facilities and equipment.

      2. Return of equipment in damaged or unworkable condition, or failure to return equipment.

      3. Returning equipment after the approved check-in date and time.

      4. Use of access equipment or facilities for commercial or revenue producing purposes without written approval of the Executive Director.

      5. Use of access equipment or facilities for any purpose not related to the production of programs for cablecast on AOC without written approval of the Executive Director.

      6. Removal of equipment from AOC’s facility without staff approval.

      7. Chronic or willful disregard of AOC policies and procedures.

      8. Abuse or harassment of AOC staff, members, volunteers or others.

      9. Allowing unauthorized persons to use or handle AOC equipment.

      10. Allowing non-members to access or use AOC facilities.

      11. Use of another person’s membership card.

      12. Repeated failure to cancel or claim a reservation of equipment or facilities at the reserved time.

      13. Eating, drinking or smoking in restricted areas.

      14. Unauthorized equipment disassembly or maintenance.

      15. The severity of an offense shall be determined by the Executive Director on a case-by-case basis.


  1. Disciplinary Actions

    1. Major offenses shall result in written notice of suspension of privileges for a minimum of 30 days. Notice shall be issued by the Executive Director within five working days of the discovery or report of the violation.

    2. Other offenses deemed as not major offenses by the Executive Director shall be handled as follows:

      1. First offense: Verbal warning by AOC staff member. Written notice to Member file.

      2. Second offense: Written warning by AOC staff member. Notice to Member file.

      3. Third offense: Written notice of the suspension of facilities user privileges for a minimum of 30 days issued by the Executive Director.

  1. A suspension of facilities privileges results in the user being prohibited from using AOC’s facilities and equipment during the suspension period. If a suspension causes failure to meet other obligations, such as series agreements, additional revocation of privileges will result.


  1. Appeals

    1. A user may appeal the suspension of privileges by submitting a written statement to the Executive Director within five business days of the notice of suspension.

    2. All restrictions shall remain in effect throughout the appeals process.

    3. The user has the right to bring the appeal to the Program Advisory Committee to review and recommend appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with these policies at the next regularly scheduled meeting or within 30 days, whichever is sooner.

    4. If the user is dissatisfied with the ruling of the Program Advisory Committee, then an appeal may be made to the Board of Directors by written notice to the Board President within five working days of the Program Advisory Committee’s notice to the user, whereupon the matter shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The decision of a majority of the Board shall be final.


  1. Appendix

    1. Forms (maybe be changed without altering this document)

      1. Producer Agreement

      2. Cablecast Agreement

      3. Equipment Liability

      4. Reservation Request Form

      5. Equipment Deficiency Report