Virtual Workshops: ORIENTATION
FAQ: Should I have a Series or Non-Series program?
As a producer, it is your decision to choose how much content you would like to submit for air at a frequency that is most comfortable for you.
Non-Series Producer = Can submit content as they often as he/she creates it. This option may be ideal for:
Producers creating projects with a long timeline (ex: documentaries, films, etc.)
Producers who have limitations on the amount of time they have available to produce (ex: heavy time commitments to job, family, etc.)
Series Producer = Must commit to submitting content on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis for a minimum of 6 months, in a live or recorded format. (Series programming spans January through June and July through December of each calendar year). Series Producers receive benefits like preferential TV schedule times. This option may be ideal for:
Producers seeking to create (or who are already creating) content consistently