Sponsors help make AOC programs and services available to everyone in the community and keeps media in the hands of the public.
Please consider supporting community media by becoming a sponsor!
NPOs Served

![1acadiana_logo_horiz_pms [Converted] (1).png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56ccbd0c3c44d8670dbd272d/1502208909505-4I3DMICX16A9615PCA80/1acadiana_logo_horiz_pms+%5BConverted%5D+%281%29.png)

How Underwriting Helps
All of the programs recorded by AOC require staff time and resources. As we cover more community activity and provide a wider array of options for distribution of community information our costs go up as well. Sponsor underwriting helps us cover those costs.
By keeping these local programs available you’ll also be contributing to an engaged and informed community and supporting free speech and the free exchange of ideas.
Acknowledgements are given in accordance with the donor’s choices. We include mentions in opening and closing credits. You can select from a variety of acknowledgement styles and include music and narrative.
Your acknowledgement, in association with your selected project, will usually live on forever on YouTube, AOC Archives and internet archives.
A few notes about Underwriting
You can also underwrite program production services on behalf of a Non Profit of your choice. Your donation will be used to produce media content specifically for your designee. PSA, promos, educational programs, and interviews are all possible services your donation can support.
Individual Producers also ask for underwriting. When you underwrite individual producers they are responsible for acknowledgements and nothing is provided by AOC unless otherwise stated in our agreement.
There are numerous opportunities!
By directly assigning your contribution to a project or program, you can effectively support AOC’s mission of keeping community media in the hands of the public. A few of the projects available for underwriting:
LPUA and LCG Meetings
Lafayette Parish School Board Meetings
Festival International
One Acadiana
Mayor’s Annual Address
League of Women Voters Forums
Foreign Language news
Community At Large Projects
UL Presentations
Would you like to know more about underwriting programs on AOC?
You can request more information regarding project availability, and we will send you the list of available projects and acknowledgement levels to help you get the most from your support.