Help us keep the spirit of Festival alive and archived for years to come! Our sponsor packages are flexible & will put your business at the front + center of Acadiana’s most festive crowd!


Our Audience:

TV: 250,000+ viewer reach (across Lafayette, Acadia, St. Martin, Iberia, and Vermillion Parish) | YouTube: 4,300+ subscribers | Facebook: 4,100+ followers | Instagram: 2,600+ followers | Twitter: 2,300+ followers


Our Highest-Viewed Festival content:

Sona Jobarteh - 428,000+ views

Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys - 37,000+ views


Sponsor Levels:



Includes Sponsor Name and/or Logo acknowledgment during the campaign period (December 1-25, 2022):

In official AOC FEST-MAS promo on AOC TV, AOC’s YouTube, and social media platforms

On AOC TV (5-sec promo spot) between segments of FEST-MAS footage (approx. 2x per day)

In all FEST-MAS campaign web, email, and social content

HEAD ELF Sponsor


Includes RUDOLPH Sponsor package PLUS Sponsor Name and/or Logo acknowledgment:

On AOC’s website home page (with link) as a SUPPORTING DONOR for SIX (6) MONTHS (December 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023)

On AOC TV Message Board (10-sec promo spot, approx. 10x per day) as a SUPPORTING DONOR for SIX (6) MONTHS (December 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023)

SANTA Sponsor


Includes HEAD ELF Sponsor package PLUS Sponsor Name and/or Logo acknowledgment:

• In Campaign title (“FEST-MAS Brought to you by…”) of official AOC FEST-MAS promo on AOC TV, AOC’s YouTube, and social media platforms

On AOC’s website home page as a MAJOR DONOR for ONE (1) YEAR (December 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2023)

On AOC TV Message Board (10-sec promo spot, approx. 10x per day) as a MAJOR DONOR FOR ONE (1) YEAR (December 1, 2022 - Nov. 30, 2023)


Got questions about sponsoring AOC? Contact our Marketing Director Christy Tracie by email,, or by phone (337)232-4434 ext. 113.