Ep 3 Pt 1: The Village with No Name

Our adventurers have arrived at the village that will lead them to find the mystical cat they were instructed to locate, but there is something strange about the village. The party have made it to a town with no name to find the cat they were requested to acquire. Not only does the town have no name, there are other strange observations such as generically named buildings and citizens that whisper all the time.

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Ep 2 Pt 2: Quest for Cats

The head mage has left instruction for the party to search for three items, in whatever order they'd like. The party has chosen to look for the cat first. Our not-so-nice adventurers are wrapping up some tasks in the underground clone facility they had recently woke up in after being killed by the Knights of Helm and the Harpers. Now they are tasked with venturing out of there to find three magical items. They came to the decision to look for the magical cat in a village to the North.

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Ep. 2 Pt. 1: Worst Life Insurance Plan Ever

After death, our adventurers still have to work for their boss. Everyone at the head mage's experiment were killed by the Harpers and the Knights of Helm, but only the most important few to the continuation of the experiment were "spared." By spared, he meant cloned. The clones of our adventurers and these workers are still trying to process it all, but were given more tasks to do upon awakening. Come on dude, we just died...

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Ep 1 Pt 2: D&DEA Raid

Today is the day of the head mage's experiment, his magnum opus, until things take a turn south and the experiment did no go as planned. Or did it? Our character's hard work will finally be on display after hey finished preparations for their boss's grand experiment. Things go awry when an unexpected force tries to crash the party. Our "hero's are left in a foreign location, dazed and confused.

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Ep 1 Part 1: Big Bad Evil Guys

Our adventurers are preparing for the event of their shady employer. their Our characters with not-so heroic personalities do their jobs in preparation for a big experiment being displayed by their new boss, such as checking supply carts for suspicious cargo, creating workers from mushroom spores and building a strange devices.

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