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What is AOC’s Media Lit Kit?

AOC’s Media Lit Kit for the Classroom offers free virtual interactive media literacy programming to support K-12 students in gaining digital literacy and media literacy skills. Our virtual sessions cover a broad range of media topics, including responsible media consumption, critical analysis of media content, and social media culture competence.

Our program curriculum is derived from Common Sense Media (or CSM), a leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering teachers by providing resources to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all students’ lives. The curriculum is designed to fit seamlessly into the classroom and is aligned to state and national standards, including CCSS (Common Core), ISTE’s NET•S (International Society for Technology in Education’s National Education Technology Standards), and AASL (American Association of School Librarians (AASL) standards.

Find out more info about Common Sense Media here! 





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Let’s Give Credit!

With so much information at our fingertips, students learn what it means to "give credit" when using content they find online. Taking on the role of a detective, students learn why it's important to give credit and the right ways to do it when they use words, images, or ideas that belong to others.

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Internet Traffic Light

Staying safe online is a lot like staying safe in the real world. Using a fun traffic light activity, students learn how to identify "just right" content, giving them the green light to learn, play, and explore the internet safely.


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Is Seeing Believing?

The web is full of photos, and even videos, that are digitally altered. And it's often hard to tell the difference between what's real and what's fake. Help your students ask critical questions about why someone might alter a photo or video in the first place.

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A Creator's Rights and Responsibilities

It's common for kids to use images they find online, for school projects or just for fun. But kids don't often understand which images are OK to use and which ones aren't. Help your students learn about the rights and responsibilities they have when it comes to the images they create and use.



Don’t Feed the Phish!

Internet scams are part of being online today, but many kids might not be aware of them. How do we help our students avoid being tricked into clicking malicious links or giving out private information? Use this lesson to help kids avoid online identity theft and phishing schemes.

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The Four Factors of Fair Use

Kids can be voracious consumers -- and creators -- of media, and it's easier than ever for them to find and share digital content online. But do middle schoolers know about concepts like fair use, copyright, and public domain? Give students a framework they can use to better understand how fair use works in the real world.

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Request a LIVE Media Lit Kit session for your class!

AOC’s Media Lit Kit sessions can be presented LIVE for any Lafayette Parish educator or non-profit youth organization, at no charge! Simply complete the form below to submit your request: