What is Underwriting?

  1. Definition

    1. undertake to finance or otherwise support or guarantee (something).

      1. "They were willing to underwrite the cost of DVD’s for my show."

      2. Synonyms: sponsor, support, back, insure, guarantee, indemnify, subsidize, pay for, finance, fund

  2. Examples

  3. Differences from Advertising

    1. Underwriters are acknowledged for their contribution to a program.

    2. Advertisers buy space between programming at a premium cost in order to sell their goods or services to the audience.

    3. Underwriters pay for the program to be made.

    4. Advertisers pay for time on the air.  

    5. https://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/noncommercial-nature-educational-broadcasting#ENHANCED

  1. AOC Policies

    1. Review Policies

    2. Am I doing it right?

      1. What are you looking to have underwritten?

        1. Okay!

          1. AOC Memberships for crew members

          2. Set design / furniture for set

          3. DVD’s for recording show.

          4. Media storage for show.

          5. Specific Equipment Rental for production.

          6. Catering for crew or guests.

          7. Costumes

        2. Not Okay!

          1. Furniture for your house

          2. Groceries for your house

          3. Clothing for your personal wardrobe

          4. Salary, Wages or payments for producer or crew

      2. Did you make the purchase, or incur the cost and keep the receipt?

      3. Was the check from the Underwriter made out to “AOC Community Media?”

      4. Have you submitted your receipt for reimbursement?

  2. Ways to find and obtain Underwriting for your production.

    1. Develop a Pitch

      1. Identify costs to be underwritten.

        1. State exactly what the underwriting will support.

        2. State the reasons that your production cannot be realized without these costs.

      2. Identify Value of programming

        1. Program Mission Statement

          1. Program mission statement is a concise statement of the general values and principles which guide the program.

          2. It sets a tone and philosophical position.

          3. This statement should:

            1. define the broad purposes the program is aiming to achieve

            2. describe the community the program is designed to serve

            3. state the values and guiding principles which define its standards

        2. Program Impact

          1. Because of no viewership numbers, yours will mostly be anecdotal. Gain these insights by talking to people in community, social media, AOC, etc.

          2. Get quotes or letters of support from well-known residents in our community.

      3. Identify Benefits for Underwriting party

        1. Gain access to a truly local audience with viewership on two television channels that reach five parishes on Cox Communications (Acadia, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Martin, and Vermilion) and on LUS Fiber (Lafayette).

        2. Be seen as a company that is socially aware. Earn recognition as a supporter who seeks to increase engagement and dialog in our community

        3. Several replays of all programs, so more than one opportunity to have your sponsorship seen.

    2. Reach out to the right businesses and organizations

      1. Local or national company?

      2. Does their mission statement line up with yours?

      3. Do they provide a product or service that your program could use?

      4. Will they agree to the terms of AOC’s policy?