Freedom For Sarafina
Producer: Alajahwon Ridgeway
Sometimes we just need a pick me up. A.B. Ridgeway shares heart warming stories, poems, inspirational writings and lessons we wish we learned when we were younger. But it is never too late to teach the next generation. Join us as we relive happy moments of our childhood and things we need to hear as adults.
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Chapter 1: Down The Rabbit Hole Alice is headed to Wonderland
Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears Alice finds herself trying to get through the door to Wonderland
Looking Inside Ourselves In this episode we explore the internal dilemma we face as human beings. Sometimes its the inability to think outside of the box and sometimes its our unwillingness to examine our lives objectively. We hope that you enjoy this episode.
A look back In this episode we look at the recent Divine Timing and Archie Comics. These two writings speaks on the necessity to believe in God's divine timing and to show our gratitude to those we love, while we still have the time to do so.
Getting Water For Sarafina! In the high mountains of Ethiopia is a little 3 year old girl whose job is to go get water for the family from a water source over 7 miles away. Traveling between villages to make it. This is not the reality of all of the people who live in Ethiopia but it is the only reality that she knows. Her brothers go to school as she patiently waits for them to return. For many of us, we would consider this a punishment, but Sarafina sees it as a blessing as she sees kids traveling even farther with a lot less. It just shows you that life is about perspective and that heaven and hell is in our heads and not in our current reality. I have said before that reality is ...perception and position, and when you change your position, it will change your perception. During this writing, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of Sarafina. She has dreams too, and one day, I pray they come true. As the listener, I want you to do the same. What are your dreams? Are you really being held back? Or are you not willing to walk 7 miles just to fill one bucket of water, so your family can survive. We all have our journeys we must travel. And I am not here to say one is more difficult than the other. But I am here to say that if a 3 year understands that this is what has to be done and not what she wants to be done, so her family can survive, what are our excuses?
The Missing Puzzle Piece and Form Follows Function: In this episode we recap our writings and give the listeners an insight into the inspiration behind some of their favorite writings. This is a unique opportunity to catch up on writings you may have missed. And here from the author himself.
Learning To Let Go! We all love something in this world. But the world is dynamic. What is here today may not be here tomorrow. So in this episode we tackle the psychological phenomenon of attachment. Our natural inclination to cling to things that we love. We aren't talking about people, that is a different story. We are speaking of material things that this world has positioned for us to worship other than God. It is up to us to see through this deception and learn to love and let go. And that we are in control of what should be loved and God should be on the top of that list.
This is More Than A Flood Story- Most of us know the story of Noah and the Ark. God is not pleased with the world, so he decides to cleanse it with a flood, saving Noah and his family because they were righteous. But this is more than an Earth purging story. It is a story about chasing your dreams and being persistent when the world sees you as a fool. See Noah was in the desert and how many people you think ridiculed him when he said, "A flood was coming that would wipe out the world!" He was 500 years old...let's just say very old, and many called him senile. But with the Grace of God and him holding onto his beliefs, we was able to survive what God had said was going to happen. So when you people try to discourage you from your dreams. Stay focused and watch all the others be cleansed from your life as you start a new one.
God is in You! A.B. Ridgeway speaks the bible verse John 9:14 where Jesus asks Philip why is he asking to see the father, when he has been with Jesus so long. Does he not see God when he looks at Jesus? And the same for our children. They are made in our image as we are made in God's but they are not us, and we are not them. But when someone looks at them, they will see us, because we are the creators. He tries to capture the essence of living in your purpose, which is to serve God, not man.
The Power of Now A.B. Ridgeway is speaking with his grandmothers. Wondering what is his purpose. And they answer that his purpose is to perform for God. Do things that will make him proud. Because he is on stage, and all of his family in heaven is put on a show.