Noah and the Ark
This is More Than A Flood Story- Most of us know the story of Noah and the Ark. God is not pleased with the world, so he decides to cleanse it with a flood, saving Noah and his family because they were righteous. But this is more than an Earth purging story. It is a story about chasing your dreams and being persistent when the world sees you as a fool. See Noah was in the desert and how many people you think ridiculed him when he said, "A flood was coming that would wipe out the world!" He was 500 years old...let's just say very old, and many called him senile. But with the Grace of God and him holding onto his beliefs, we was able to survive what God had said was going to happen. So when you people try to discourage you from your dreams. Stay focused and watch all the others be cleansed from your life as you start a new one.